
SEZP Schools

Visit Our Schools

Academy at Kiley

Chestnut TAG Middle School

Discovery High School

Duggan Academy

Emergence Academy

Forest Park Middle School

High School of Commerce

Impact Prep

John F. Kennedy Middle School

Kiley Prep

Rise Prep

Springfield Honors Academy

Springfield Legacy Academy

Springfield Realization Academy

Van Sickle Academy

Van Sickle Prep

Child Student School Page

SEZP core values and strategies are implemented in schools through a variety of mechanisms:


Teacher Leadership Teams (TLT)

Each school has a teacher-elected Teacher Leadership Team that has been tasked with the responsibility of creating the School Operational Plan.

Educator Working Conditions (EWC)

As part of annual school improvement planning, TLTs create educator working conditions which are presented and approved by the SEZP Board during the June meeting.

Performance Goals

The SEZP Board is currently developing bold but attainable performance goals for each school that will show the school’s progress toward closing the achievement gap.

External Start-Up Partners

Multiple proven partners provide school support in the development of improvement plans, new calendars and schedules, individualized school budgets, professional learning opportunities, and other school redesign efforts.

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