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Considerations when Educating Bilingual Learners with Identified Learning Disabilities

February 5, 2024 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Teacher smiling at Springfield Honors Academy

Essential Question: What do educators need to consider in order to effectively plan for the education of multilingual learners identified with learning disabilities?

Guiding Questions
• Module 1: What are the learning profiles of multilingual learners with identified learning disabilities?
• Module 2: What are the laws that address the education of multilingual learners with learning disabilities, and what are educators’ obligations under these laws?
• Module 3: What are the factors to consider when planning instruction for multilingual learners with learning disabilities?
• Module 4: Why is it necessary for educators to collaborate with qualified professionals when planning effective instruction for multilingual learners with learning disabilities, and how can this collaboration generate educational change for these students?
• Module 5: How do educators identify, administer, and evaluate instructional accommodations for multilingual learners with learning disabilities?
• Module 6: Answer the Essential Question.

These Virtual Workshops have innovative online multi-media resources available to educators who wish to collaboratively inquire into and improve their practice with multilingual learners. They are inquiry oriented and guided by an essential question and a guiding question for each of the six modules in the workshop.

Time Commitment
Each Virtual Workshop is 15 weeks long and covers six modules. Each module takes between two to four hours. The dates and times of the online meetings will be scheduled with your state representative.

Certificate Requirements
1. Post on the discussion boards for each module.
2. Respond to at least two colleagues’ posts for each module.
3. Attend online meeting as culminating “gallery walk” or participate
in alternate make-up activity.
4. Complete post-workshop survey.
Upon completion, participants receive a certificate listing 20 hours of professional learning.

PDP’s will be provided by DESE for participation. See the full info sheet here and to enroll, click here.